Cette année nous avons participé à un projet eTwinning avec le lycée Varvakeio de Psychiko en Grèce et le lycée Galileo Galilei de Dolo en Italie. Un des travaux réalisés durant ce projet était l’écriture d’une histoire en coopération avec les élèves italiens et grecs. Les Grecs écrivaient le début, les Italiens une suite et nous une fin. Une histoire sur un sans-abri qui a été aidé par une personne généreuse a été retenue car ayant gagné les votes des élèves et un doublage a été fait dessus. Nous avons adoré travailler sur ce projet cette année !
What is eTwinning?
eTwinning is a school website where you can work and exchange with students all over Europe. It was created in 2005. This project is about making contact between students from different nationalities so they could have a pleasant way to work. This platform now counts 122,098 projects with 217,744 schools. The Lycée d’Arsonval has done many projects in eTwinning and this year we worked with Italian and Greek students. It was really great to communicate with people we didn’t know and who speak different native languages.
The presentations of our cities
In this project we learned about the other cities of the students from Greece and Italy. Each country presented another one. With the questions asked by the Greeks to the Italians and with some research they made a presentation of the city of Venice, especially about the geography, tourist attractions and the inhabitants. It was very interesting to discover other cities. The Italians presented our city, Saint Maur des Fossés. They talked about the location of the city, the climate, and the eight neighborhoods. They talked about what can be visited, the sports, outings around and Saint Maur’s history, culture and art too.
How do they know our city so well ?
It’s because they asked us a lot of questions and we answered them with pleasure. They used that to create their power point. It’s fun to see how they visualize our city; this project was really fantastic. We therefore carried out the same project for the city of Athens, in Greece.
Our daily lives
In this project there were a lot of different themes. At first we asked questions to the Greeks to better understand their way of life and reply to the Italians which were our first interactions with them. Then we celebrated Safer Internet Day and it made us learn about the dangers of the internet and how to protect us from that. Finally, the Greek and the Italians wrote the beginning of stories about the pandemic we wrote the end and we had to react and elect the best one.
Discussion forums
On eTwinning it’s possible to send a comment under the documents. I sent a photo of me and my toilet paper stock and I read reactions in the forums. The eTwinning mates were really creative because they had many interpretations of my photo. It’s cool because it’s possible to reply at the comments and speak about our point of view. I chose this subject on my photo because I wanted to laugh about the pandemic and it’s important to have a good view of the crisis.
The final conference call
On Tuesday June the 8th the class did a Web conference with some of the Greek and Italian students. I think the video call was interesting but not much because all French students were very shy so we didn’t speak a lot contrary to the Italians and the Greeks who spoke much. We talked about how the quarantine and lockdown have affected our lives. One Greek student asked if we had watched the Eurovision contest, but none of us had. Someone was worried our future studies will be impacted by Covid 19 because of learning gaps. One Italian girl said she had better learned from home and the situation had been partly negative and partly positive. We talked about what changed for us before and after the pandemic. It was an interesting web conference because we could have a lot of points of view on COVID 19 situations. We could hear other persons speak English so we could discover other words and enrich our vocabulary.

Our opinions on the project
Twinspace is a work and communication website. We worked with other students who come from all over Europe, the Greeks and the Italians. To meet each other we made videos. It’s sad not to have made many video calls. This website has a good organization with forum, online meetings, materials. Everyone was very involved in this project and it was very interesting to work with other countries. It’s been a great experience to work with them because there is life across borders. They are great people who worked very well. Working with them was safe, great and nice. We had no pressure. We found really interesting the fact that we were able to work with students all around the European Union. I found the story writing exercise very fun to do because of the collaboration between classes, even if some of them don’t make a lot of sense. All of the stories were based on pictures that were taken during the lockdown. It’s a bit sad to see that three out of four of the stories were written about only one picture. We wish we could have discussed more about the stories with the other Europeans and about the things we did during this year, it was still fun though.
By the students from 2E4 and 2E8:
Carla, Ambre, Leo, Phileas, Camille, Yann K., Thaïs, Sarah, Aurélie, Charles, Clément, Antoine, Raphaël, Carla, Cyd, Myleva, Maia, Téo, Yann G., Nathan, Maxime, Axel M., Capucine, Théo.